Month: October 2018


Jaw-joint Pain Pain in your Jaw joint or facial muscles is debilitating and can affect your quality of life. Symptoms such as tender facial muscles, restricted opening, ear pain, frequent headaches and jaw clicking may be a sign of Temporomandibular Dysfunction Syndrome. More extreme cases involving painful, locking episodes that may affect your ability to...

If you’ve arrived on this page, you’re probably looking into alternatives to dentures. Whether you currently wear dentures or are about to lose your natural teeth, All on 4 dental implants is a common alternative to removable false teeth. The procedure involves placing four dental implants in the jaw and attaching a set of replacement teeth...

If you're considering permanent, fixed teeth with All on 4, this may be one of the most important decisions you’ll make. You may have found that searching for All on 4 reviews in Australia is a difficult task. In Australia, dental professionals legally can't post patient reviews of treatments and procedures on their websites. Researching...

Dental Problems in Adults? As you get older, changes to your physical health and wellbeing – including your teeth and gums – are to be expected. It doesn’t help that this is a stage in your life where family and work responsibilities tend to take up the lion’s share of your time. As life gets...

Overcoming Dental Fear Most people do not look forward to seeing their dentist. Undergoing a dental treatment is rarely if at all, considered an enjoyable experience. However, if the mere mention of a dental appointment evokes an irrational or persistent fear that makes someone deliberately skip the appointment, that person is likely to be suffering...

What Causes My Gums To Bleed? Do you notice some bleeding in the gums when you brush or floss? That could be the sign of an underlying dental condition. While it may seem normal to experience bleeding gums from time to time, you shouldn’t ignore it – particularly if the bleeding occurs more frequently than...

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