What Dental Implant Is Right For You?

Breaking Down the Different Types of Dental Implants

As there are many circumstances under which dental implants may be used as a restorative treatment option, different types of dental implants have been created to address the variety of needs. In order to make an informed decision on the most suitable type of dental implants for your own situation, you would first have to find out what is available and understand their respective uses.

Single Tooth Implant

A dental implant is a cylindrical post or screw that is inserted into your jaw to replace your tooth root in order to support the artificial tooth. Once the implant has been placed, it is left undisturbed for 2-6 months during which time the bone and implant are allowed to bond in a biological process known as osseointegration.

Following the healing process, a replacement tooth – in the form of a dental crown that has been created in the dental laboratory-based on your precise measurements – will be attached to the implant via a connector known as an abutment.

Unlike restorative methods that rely on your neighbouring teeth to support the prosthetic tooth – like the dental bridge – the single tooth implant is “rooted” to your jaw to offer unprecedented stability and strength.

The single implant method affords the truest teeth replacement option for those who have lost a tooth to injury or disease, allowing patients to restore beauty, function, and health to their teeth.

Multiple Tooth Implants

If you are missing two or more teeth, multiple tooth implants would be required if you are taking the implant route. The number of implants required depends on the number of teeth that are missing and their location. The implant-retained denture – which is anchored down by multiple implants – is a typical solution used in such a scenario.

Unlike removable dentures, implant-retained dentures are “rooted” to the jaw and provide a more secure fit. Patients with implanted dentures are free to enjoy more of the foods they love without the fear of damaging their dentures. As a stable and permanent fixture, there is no worry that the oral appliance might slide or slip out, thus causing embarrassment to the wearer.

Atrophic Maxilla Dental Implants

“Atrophic maxilla” is dental terminology used to describe an upper jaw with very little bone, which often rules out the prescription of conventional implant treatments. Atrophic Maxilla dental implants are designed to circumvent the problem of bone lack – sufficient bone mass and density are required to support the implants and artificial teeth.

Combining fixed prosthodontic rehabilitation of the severely atrophic maxilla with guided implant technology, this type of implants is immensely helpful for denture wearers with insufficient bone but would like to switch to implants.

All On Four

This is another great technique for patients with an insufficient bone that are interested in implants. This technique is a breakthrough in two notable regards: immediate function and a minimal number of implants used.

With All on Four, it is possible to remove infected teeth and replace them with implants on the same day – that is, patients no longer need to contend with long healing periods (6-12 months) as with conventional implant treatments.

As the name suggests, the technique allows only four dental implants to be used, even for cases that typically require 8-10 implants per arch. This effectively saves time and money. Same as the method involving Atrophic Maxilla dental implants, the All on Four technique eliminates the need for extensive procedures and invasive bone grafting.

Need More Guidance on Implant Dentistry?

If you are interested to learn more about the above mentioned dental implant treatments, please contact Macquarie Street Centre to book an appointment with our principal dentist Dr David Dunn.

02 9247 1394