The Success and Advantages of Dental Implants

A person’s quality of life may be significantly affected by a tooth loss condition. Indeed, even routine functions that we take for granted like eating and speaking may prove difficult with missing teeth. Thankfully, dental implants provide patients who are missing teeth, a permanent – and sometimes lifelong – teeth replacement option. Prime examples of this technique include All on 4 implants, implant-supported dentures, implant-supported bridges and single tooth implant crowns.

What is so special about this modern restorative procedure that has gained immense traction with both dentists and patients alike over the last 10 to 15 years? First, you will need to know what dental implants are and how they function.

What are Dental Implants?

A dental implant is a titanium post that is placed within the jawbone to mimic one’s natural tooth roots, in order to support the prosthesis or replacement teeth – either in the form of a crown or fixed denture. Following their precise placement, the implant is either left undisturbed for a period during which the bone and implant are allowed to form a biological bond through a process known as osseointegration, or in some cases, a replacement temporary tooth can even be inserted within a day or two of surgery. The strong and long-lasting bond of bone to the implant provides a stable base upon which the artificial teeth is attached.

Benefits of Dental Implants

There are obvious benefits to having a permanent set of replacement teeth with a firm and well-supported foundation. Let’s take a look at some of them:

Look and function like real teeth:

One of the most important attributes of restoring your missing teeth with dental implants is that when completed to the highest standard, they look virtually indistinguishable from your natural teeth. Implant-supported prostheses take advantage of modern dental materials and advanced techniques to achieve an almost lifelike appearance. Not only can they be customised to precisely match your existing teeth, but they also possess aesthetic properties of natural enamel-like translucency and surface texture.

Unlike removable dentures, you are not required to change your diet to accommodate implants. You can eat and enjoy your food, chewing and biting as you would with strong natural teeth. With dental implants permanently placed within the jawbone, you can also speak confidently and clearly, without any fear that the prosthetic teeth may slide or fall out.


Unlike other types of restorations, you are less likely to experience tooth and gum sensitivity. Badly designed artificial teeth often stick out unnaturally and rub against the soft tissues or gums in your mouth, causing discomfort and irritation. As implant-supported prosthetic teeth are precisely customised to fit your specific teeth structure and are fixed rigidly in place, they feel as comfortable as your natural teeth.


Due to their immense strength and durability, your implanted teeth can last up to a lifetime if you follow appropriate maintenance and hygiene protocols. Unlike natural teeth, implants are not susceptible to decay or nerve degeneration.

Improved oral health and well-being:

Dental implants help to prevent bone resorption (deterioration of supporting tooth bone) – which occurs when the tooth is missing. You can look after your implanted teeth the same you way you would your natural teeth. You can brush and floss regularly to keep them clean, enjoy all the healthy foods that provide important nutrition to your overall well-being, while your implant-supported teeth remain safe and secure with minimal interruptions to your lifestyle.

Success rate:

Last but not least, dental implants enjoy a high rate of success (in the 95-percentile range), so that is yet another practical reason to consider implants as the first choice of restorative treatment.

The Dr Dunn Difference

To find out how Dr Dunn can make a dramatic difference to your oral health and wellbeing with dental implants, contact our friendly Sydney CBD clinic at 02 9247 1394.

02 9247 1394